Here at Laura Kelly Wedding Design, we obviously Live and breathe WEDDINGS! But Since I'm expecting my second child (and baby is also on the brain) I thought I'd share a really neat idea for a baby shower or party.
These days, most couples want to find out what the sex of their child is....and some have willpower like none other! Finding out whether the baby is he or she is exciting no matter how you find out....but here is a new trend hitting the baby makers!!
Go to your ultrasound and ask the technician to keep the gender a secret from you. But get them to write it down on a piece of paper and seal it inside an envelope. Then ( without peeking!) head over to your favourite baker ( or one that Laura and I can recommend) and hand it over! Go home, and start planning a party for your closest friends, family and loved ones. At the party, get the cake delivered and as a couple, cut into the cake surrounded by your guests and see of the baker has put pink or blue icing in between the layers!! How fun is that!! What a moment for all to share, and you get to eat cake too!! mmmmmm....cake.......
Image courtesy of the lovely Martha Stewart...
xo Kelly
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