The 2011 Wedding Season has been incredible so far... With a number of wedding days come and gone, I've compiled a list of some of my favourite things I love to see at weddings and regularly suggest to my couples. So here it goes...
Number 1: Washroom Baskets
They are a simple, yet personal touch to spruce up the washrooms at your venue and add that little something extra that shows your guests your appreciation by anticipating some of the items they might find themselves in need of during your reception. You can easily get everything you need for them from Dollar Stores so you don't need to break the bank on this one, and a simple picture frame beside each, or a tied note card to the basket can explain what they are and who they are from. The poems and item suggestions from
Weddings by Colour will help you make this a very do-able item for your wedding.
Number 2: Dancing Shoes (Flip Flop Baskets)
For the price of fashion, we ladies will walk out the door in the hottest of heels... but 6 hours later when "Billy Jean" comes on and our feet are aching, we're in trouble. Something to consider to offer comfort and relief to the women at your reception and keep them dancing "All Night Long" is to offer an assortment of flip flop sizes when dancing begins. Most brides choose to by them in standard black and white or in their wedding colours and place them in a basket by the dance floor when dancing begins. Cute Labels like "Kick your Heels Off... Dancing Shoes" or "Dancing Shoes... Dance the Night Away" will be appreciated greatly by many of the ladies in the house.
Old Navy's Annual $1.00 Flip Flop Sale is often the best score for stocking up on these prior to your big day.
Number 3: "Thank You" Signs
The use of a cute "THANK YOU" Sign during your formal photographs on the day makes a perfect photo choice when choosing the shot to use on your guest thank you cards. You can make your own or shop one of my personal favourites to find tones of reasonably priced options.
Number 4: Programs & Menu Cards
I put these on the list because they are some elements of the wedding that couples don't automatically think they need to include. Whether you chose to DIY these or have your stationary company create custom pieces to match your theme, hands down, guests like to know what's happening as the ceremony takes place and they very much appreciate knowing what's on the menu when called to their seats. I think it's human nature to want to follow along with a printed order of events during the ceremony; it's also really nice to put names with faces for who's who in the bridal party. When it comes to dinner, couples sometimes ask me if providing a menu is necessary. I always respond with, "Yes, even 1 per table is ideal". I equivilate it to going to a restaurant and being served a pre-set dinner without a menu presented. All agree, it's nice to know what's coming, how many courses, entrees etc.
Number 5: Candle Light
No matter what your style, weddings are romantic... Adding candles to your reception venue can easily take a stunning room, and warm it up with a little extra romance. Easily doable by consulting your florist/decorator or hitting up the Dollar Store, Ikea, Home Sense, Kitchen Stuff Plus, Bowring etc., this one element of your wedding can create an unforgettable ambiance. From votives, to cylinders, hanging tea lights to candelabras, I like to see candles on the guest tables, head table(s), cake tables and accented throughout the venue. Most venues are fine with you bring in your own candles as long as the flames are covered.
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